Tessa Mero
Cisco — Seattle / USA
Felipe S. e Marcos M.
Hotmart — Belo Horizonte / BRA
Beto Muniz
Toptal — Belo Horizonte / BRA
Michael Lancaster
Mesosphere — San Francisco / USA
Felipe Silva
The New York Times — New York / USA
Check-in e Welcome Coffee
Guilherme Bruzzi
VTEX — Rio de Janeiro / BRA
Marina Limeira
Bionexo — Alagoas / BRA
Coffee Break
Foto Final e Sorteios
Diogo Moretti
Chaordic — Florianópolis / BRA
Ilya Gurevich
Loadsmart — New York / USA
Marco Gigliarano
Sympla — Belo Horizonte / BRA
Paula Faria
Toro Investimentos — Belo Horizonte / BRA
The Front in BH was created in order to professionalize the market assisted by talks for the formation of more critical and skilled professionals. The Front in BH has a pioneer approach in issues of common interest in development, design, metrics, audience and related areas through renowned speakers in the front-end development industry in Brazil and abroad.
In 2k17, Front in BH reaches its sixth edition with a history of huge success and the reputation as one of the best Front-end conferences in Brazil. What are you waiting for? Buy the tickets and take your seat.
Mesosphere — San Francisco / USA
About me:
Michael is a software engineer based in San Francisco working at Mesosphere on the Datacenter Operating System. In addition he built Soundnodeapp.com and Solshal.com for fun. He also enjoys Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Cycling.
My talk:
Docker?! But I’m a frontend developer.
Shipping and developing applications in different environments is hard and we became masters of workarounds. Docker makes our lives easier by shipping and running consistently the same container in every environment.
Systems Analyst at Bionexo — Alagoas / BRA
About me:
Systems Analyst at Bionexo, freelancer developer at Testr and a student of Computer Science at PUC-SP, has already contributed at projects from Mozilla Brasil and organizes events focused on teaching the web to girls who want to learn how to program.
my Talk:
Software quality: wat?
The definition of quality changes from programmer to programmer. It also depends on how many people are in a project, UX, QA, PO/PM, developers and even the agile coach. As a developer, you need to ensure that your software works. How should you do that? Manual tests? Unit tests? Integration tests? I'll talk about how you can setup and make your tests and tips about getting good coverage.
Front-end Developer at Chaordic — Florianópolis / BRA
About me:
Tenho 28 anos e sou natural de Imaruí/SC, mas desde os 23 moro em Florianópolis/SC. Gosto muito de desenvolvimento web, com foco no front-end e no design. Posso dizer que meu hobbie e minha profissão são a mesma coisa.
My Talk:
CSS {Grid} Layout
Vamos falar de CSS Layout. Como evoluímos de Tabelas, passando por Box Model, Tableless, Grids, Flexbox… até chegar na nova especificação de Grid Layout.
Vtex — Rio de Janeiro / BRA
About me:
Sou carioca, tenho 26 anos e estudo programação desde os 14 anos de idade. Formado em Ciência da Computação pela UFRJ, hoje trabalho na VTEX desenvolvendo em tecnologias como React, React Native e Electron para o time do InStore. No passado, trabalhei 5 anos na Globo.com passando pelo Globoesporte, Home Page e time de Apps.
My Talk:
Existem muitas possibilidades de inovar no segmento de lojas físicas, que tem em sua maioria uma tecnologia mais antiga. Essa palestra conta a história do desenvolvimento de um produto para atender esse mercado do mundo físico e será focada nas decisões técnicas que impactaram a visão de negócio diretamente, fazendo um comparativo das tecnologias que levaram a essas decisões (escolha do React, React Native, Electron e libs auxiliares). Hoje o produto roda em Android, iOS, Windows e web, compartilhando a maior parte do código-fonte, permitindo entregar features multi-plataforma de forma ágil.
Sr. Manager of Technology at The New York Times — New York / USA
About me:
Creating the next generation of The New York Times web applications using Node, React, GraphQL and a bunch of other fancy stuff.
My Talk:
Web performance in large-scale applications.
Why web performance matters, how to measure it and why so many websites remain "slow". With the optics of Media companies, I will cover challenges large organizations face to improve the performance of its products and take you to journey in how The New York Times resigned its core news products with performance in mind.
Front-end developer at Toro Investimentos — Belo Horizonte / BRA
About me:
Front-end developer, building amazing things to improve people's life at @toroinvestimentos
My Talk:
CSS WILL KILL YOU - choose your weapons
O mercado mudou e a nossa maneira de pensar, criar e manter nossos estilos também precisa mudar. Aprenda as melhores práticas e ferramentas para desenvolver CSS de forma escalável.
Developer Evangelist at Cisco — Seattle / USA
About me:
Tessa Mero is a Developer Evangelist for Cisco. She spends her extra time contributing on a leadership team for the Joomla! Project and has been involved with Joomla for the past 5 years. She runs the Seattle PHP Meetup and is the organizer of the Pacific Northwest PHP conference. On her free time, she likes to play video games, snowboard, and eat Korean food.
My Talk:
Revolutionize Your Workflow with… ChatOps!
ChatOps is revolutionizing the way you work! How? It allows you to automate your workflow, making all of your work processes easier, by connecting all your software tools that you use in a collaboration tool using chatbots. With 7,000 readily available APIs out there, this gives you so many options and opportunities to connect ALL the things! In this talk, you will learn how you can get started with ChatOps and how it will benefit the way you work as a developer.
Toptal — Belo Horizonte / BRA
About me:
I’m Beto Muniz, Front-End Engineer at Toptal, GDE of Web Technologies, Co-Founder of Minas Dev, GIF Speaker, Community Lover, Open-source Enthusiast, and Father.
My talk:
"Comunidade não dá dinheiro"
Nessa palestra iremos detalhar como a comunidade pode oferece muito mais do que dinheiro. E já que tudo na vida não vem de graça, mostraremos como contribuições e outras formas de participação podem mudar a sua vida.
Loadsmart — New York / USA
About me:
Ilya is a Front-end Engineer living in New York. He recently graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology with a degree in computer science and currently works at the shipping and logistics company, Loadsmart. Before that he was working at Thyssenkrupp helping develop touch screen interfaces for elevators. He enjoys listening to music, traveling the world, and playing water polo.
My Talk:
Jumping the Bandwagon: Moving from Angular to React
Every year, hundreds of articles are written discussing the merits and disadvantages of them. For us at Loadsmart, we decided to take the opportunity to explore growing and expanding our knowledge base by adapting to the changing nature of the frontend scene. In doing so, we encountered several implementation challenges that we had to overcome, but also dramatically improved and streamlined our development process as well.
Sympla — Belo Horizonte / BRA
About me:
Marco is an Italian Front End developer. Today he works at Sympla and has been part of the startup world for some years. Graduated in Computer Engineering from the University of Parma (Italy), he holds a post-graduate degree from FUMEC University in Belo Horizonte. Previously, he lived in Ireland and Australia before moving to Brazil, where he has been living for two years. When he is not developing, he enjoys playing sports, cooking and watching TV shows.
My Talk:
"Debugging" a comunicação em equipe: outras linguagens na programação
Ser um programador de sucesso não é apenas aprender as tecnologias mais recentes ou escrever o código mais rápido. Algo que é invisibilizado na programação são as relações interpessoais entre os programadores que impactam na comunicação da equipe e, consequentemente, no desenvolvimento criativo do produto. Nós, programadores, somos profissionais lógicos e técnicos com poucas habilidades sociais. Seres humanos trabalhando em equipe podem ser tão complexos quanto códigos de programação.
Hotmart — Belo Horizonte / BRA
About me:
Focado em qualidade e melhoria contínua, encontrei a essência do trabalho em equipe nas metodologias ágeis atuando como Developer, Arquiteto de Software, Devops e Gerente de Desenvolvimento.
My Talk:
Level Up! Como evoluir as tecnologias da sua Startup?
Conheça os métodos de avaliação que a Hotmart definiu para migrar suas tecnologias, aumentando a produtividade do time e a performance dos seus produtos.
Hotmart — Belo Horizonte / BRA
About Me:
Criador do Vue Material, com 7 anos de experiência focado em usabilidade e performance. Acredita que a web deve ser acessível para todos, caber em todo tipo tela e fazer sentido em qualquer dispositivo.
My Talk:
Level Up! Como evoluir as tecnologias da sua Startup?
Conheça os métodos de avaliação que a Hotmart definiu para migrar suas tecnologias, aumentando a produtividade do time e a performance dos seus produtos.